Lufkin Art Guild Membership
Member Meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. on the 2nd Saturday of the month in the Chapel of the Museum of East Texas.
The Art Guild does not meet in the summer months or if a show falls on those dates.
Lufkin Art Guild (LAG) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1975 to further the cause and interest in all types of visual art by offering art lessons, demonstrations, and exhibitions. LAG is a member of the Lone Star Art Guild, made up of 14 Art Leagues within a 200-mile radius of Houston, with shows and competitions offered to members.
Please complete the form to apply for a membership with us!
Lifetime Membership $500
Yearly Membership Fees:
Sponsor $50
Individual $30
Family $40
College $20
Middle & High School FREE
After your application has been received we will follow up for payment and confirmation of membership.